August 12, 2007

In the still of the night......

Late, late, late last night, or should I say, early, early, early this morning, we wandered out to the front deck and put a sheet down. We sat on it with our necks craned way up to see any signs of a meteor shower. First RL and I went out because R was still in the shower and L was on the computer. It was quiet and so peaceful. All the neighbors had long ago gone to bed - which is the way it goes around here anyway since we are night owls. Unfortunately the clouds were rolling in and we knew we weren't going to see much. Then off in the distance, right between a couple of trees, zoom - there went a meteor! Luckily we both saw it. We finally convinced R that she needed to get out there before her dad passed out on the deck and the mosquitoes carried him away. The kids came out and we walked around to the backyard. L and I saw one back there, but I don't think R ever did see one. Poor thing! She's the one who eats all this up and was disappointed. I told her we would attempt to go out again tonight. Let's hope it's a clear night with some sort of activity up there!

I must apologize to you all for a faux pas I recently committed, which was graciously pointed out in the comments by my dear, dear sister. I used poor judgement in using the above model to showcase R's scarf. In this day and age of young girls having low self esteem and poor body image, I have helped contribute to that and I feel a sincere apology is in order. I used a 'twiggy' model who has 'stick thin' limbs and I have unintentionally fed into that way of thinking. Believe me, I am by no means a 'twiggy' girl and I promise to you that from this day forward I will use only realistic models - like an oak or maple - in the future. Thank you, Kelly, for pointing this out.

This is a picture of my nosey 'little sister', Scout. Mom and I had just returned from her colonoscopy - which went very well and we are truly thankful for that! My knitting is in that bag and Scout, being the little wool hound that she is, had spotted it. First she started planning her attack.

This is the beginning of the attack which is just too graphic to recount for you, dear reader. Let's just say the knitting was saved and Scout is still alive, so all is well.


Anonymous said...

I forgot all about the excitement in the sky last night...not that I was going out to see it! Man, I am in the bed sleeping! Too tired!!
Ya' know...when I saw that plant, with that scarf on it, I wondered "what you were thinking." I just figured there was something there that I was missing...I almost missed the scarf! Thought I was the only one, don'tchaknow?!?!?
Wow, I can't get over how big "Scout" looks in your pictures! You kept telling me how big she was getting, but I didn't notice it until now! She still only weighs just 7 lbs-3 oz!
Isn't she a nosey cutie! :-)
I can't thank you guys enough, for watching over me and tending to me so lovingly while I was going through my tests...and, wondering what the outcome would be. The Lord was good to me...and so were you.
I love and appreciate you guys so much!
Thank you, Mom

kelly said...

A nice stury, Queen Latifah, oak ought to do the trick...