L, our dedicated D&D player, has been needing some new things to go with the release of the 4th edition of the Dungeons and Dragons books. R and I sewed a new bag to hold his map and then he decided he needed a new dice bag. I had found this Dice Pouch pattern(http://katydidknits.blogspot.com/) some time ago. When L saw it, he decided he wanted the largest bag. We went to AC Moore and he picked out the color of yarn he wanted. Man! He is quick! When R and I go yarn shopping it can take all day. I hadn't even finished describing what type of yarn he needed and he had already thrown it into the buggy! The boy knows which yarn felts and which ones won't. He's been paying attention! I'm so proud!
This is a before shot. Kind of looks like a weird shaped hat, doesn't it?
It called for eyelets for the drawstring. The pattern said to lace non felting material through the eyelets so they don't felt. It sounds like the designer found out about that the hard way!
This is the felted product. I kind of got distracted during the felting process. I was very, very alert to it during the first cycle. Then I decided to clean the bathroom and one thing led to another...you know how it goes.
Looks like a flower, doesn't it?
Here's the lopsided finished product. Maybe the railing is lopsided. No, I know the railing is lopsided! Regardless of the size, I had a very pleased son, so that was worth it all!
Very clever1 What a cool thing for a D&D fan!
Wonderful job. I still need to put dice into it though. Happy B-day to my main momma peep like person, this one goes out to you! Peace... >_>... hahahaha
Boy, my birthday wishes will pale in comparison to umm... the well wishes from... "Dinglebat in the Hiz-ouse"? Did I get that right, L? Any-who, Happy Birthday Mom! Did you figure out what we got you yet? I do hope Dad doesn't umm... bring it home to early. Or if he does, he can at least wrap it!
P.S. I almost got the design on the gift wrap to match up...almost.
Always next year...
Yo, you got it, Girl One. Peace...
-L (The Boy One)
Splee for birthdays!
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