The time has flown by. People warned me that it would. At the time I was going through all those diaper changes, feedings, sleepless nights and a confused two year old who wanted me to 'put him down and play with me' - I never thought I would make it through another day. We all did and I don't regret any of it. If I do have one regret, it is that I didn't enjoy it a little more instead of just surviving it. That's what grandchildren are for, right? Not that we are in any hurry for grandchildren though! I just felt like I needed to clarify that...
L has been a bit of a celebrity today. He's gotten calls from both sets of grandparents, cards from RLs brothers families and a call from my sister. R stayed up late last night and made paper streamers to decorate his doorway with as well as the stairway. She'll decorate his birthday cake to order later - as soon as she can wake up a little more! Late night streamer making can really take it out of you. What a great sister!
L, we love you very much and are proud of you. You're a beautiful person inside and out. Stay that way!
P.S. You're welcome that I didn't use the picture I really wanted to use. You know the one...
Happy Birthday L! And Wow! You were a good sized baby -- bonus points to your mom!!!
I know I've said it before, but happy birthday L! I hope you have had a great birthday. Hi to all!
I'll be reaching that milestone pretty soon myself(8 months actually..)...I'm already going "crap...really? time has gone THAT fast!?"
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