September 5, 2008

Things Are a Little Weird Around Here

Mom and Daddy came over for dinner on Labor Day. It was nice to have them over and I think they enjoyed getting out of their house. We ate some dinner and then vegged out in front of the television. So much was going on with Governor Palin and the hurricanes that we just left the news on all day. Right smack dab in the middle of the news, a commercial came on. We normally talk during the commercials or take a potty break. However, this time the commercial really - and I do mean REALLY caught my eye! It was a commercial for Mass Mutual (first commercial listed on the site for those of you who need to know). There's this guy sitting in this fancy office and he sees his daughter's picture on his desk. He sort of looks out the window like he's wishing he was at home. The next scene, he's still looking out the window, but this time it's from a home office and he's watching his little girl in their pool. It's a nice commercial. BUT what exactly caught my eye????? My cousin! My cousin was the guy in the commercial! I recognized the scar on his forehead. I recognized his hairline. I recognized his nose. I recognized, well, everything! I stopped everything I was doing and said, "That's Bobby!" Last we heard he was doing stunt work, so what a huge surprise. It was such a big surprise that Mom said it wasn't him. Couldn't be him. He didn't do stuff like that. It was driving me NUTS! I knew that HAD to be him! I waited and waited for that commercial to come on again. During the RNC last night, it came back on. I watched that commercial like I've never watched a commercial before. I recognized EVERYTHING about him again and called Mom to tell her I KNEW it was Bobby and I was going to find out. Normally when Bobby has done commercials before we saw his face for a split second or maybe just his right shoulder! I finally found the commercial on the Mass Mutual website and watched it a couple of times. Then I started exploring on the internet and YES!!!!! It is Bobby! I am so happy that he has finally gotten his face on a commercial - even if it's only for 30 minutes! It's been like old home week watching him. Makes me feel good to see him since it's been a couple of years since we last saw one another in person. He's such a sweet guy and deserves to advance in his career. Way cool, but still a little weird to see someone you know and are related to on real television.
As for knitting, I'm still plugging along. I'm making a pair of socks. So far I'm on the foot of the first sock. I'm anxious to get it finished so I can move on to the second one. I normally try to work on them at the same time, but this time I only had one set of needles instead of two. So, I started this pair one sock at a time. To remedy that in the future though, I noticed that Knit Picks had their dpn set on sale for over 30% off! I ordered them and plan on standing next to the mailbox for the next few days until they get here. So, if you don't hear from me for a while, that's where you can find me.

1 comment:

Thimbleanna said...

How Fun! Bobby looks like a cutie for a cousin!

You're approaching this two socks at once thing all wrong -- you must get a long circ and do them on the same needle LOL!