March 31, 2008
If you are here for pictures...just move along...
March 29, 2008
Look Who's Knitting Now!
March 28, 2008
Skippy Jon Gus
Here's SkippyJon in R's lap. Yes, the poor baby does appear to have at least one eye crossed. Oh dear!
March 27, 2008
It Is Time For A Fiber Intervention
Let's move on to something a little more positive. Remember the socks I said were the 'bane of my existence'? Well, they are finished. YIPPEEEEEEE! I didn't think they ever would be. I didn't require as much help with the second sock as the first. R finally sat down and said, "Mom, this is not a hard pattern. What is your problem?" I guess that's all it took. I only needed her help about three or four times on the second which was a great improvement over the first. Here they are:
Turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself!
Oh! I forgot to show the yarn I got for Easter...
Isn't it pretty? I got two skeins of each so I need to get busy knitting some socks. Don't want any fiber beetles moving into my stash!
We also have some bad news to share. RLs Dad was diagnosed with lung cancer this past week. We don't have details. He has an appointment with an oncologist some time next month. I hope it's not too bad. Please pray for the best. Thanks.
March 22, 2008
Happy Easter!
March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!
March 15, 2008
Spring Has Sprung
Here's a lone daffodil that started showing up every spring under our maple tree. I have no idea how it got there because we didn't plant it. You can see how hard the ground is. It is hard to imagine how anything so delicate looking could break through this ground. We noticed it about two or three years ago and were thrilled it decided to make it's annual appearance this year.
Kudos to my sister for getting her hair cut for Locks of Love. Her hair was almost to her waist and now it's 12 inches shorter. It looks great and bouncy. I told my kids that I needed to do that. R didn't say much and L immediately said NO! I don't think he remembers that I've have short hair most of my life and just let it grow when we moved up here ten years ago. I'll have to think about it and remember that I don't need anybodies permission! Right? Right??????
March 10, 2008
Socks for the boyby*
March 9, 2008
Happy Day Lights Savings Time
Happy Birthday Rachel! Hope you like LOTS of icing!
March 3, 2008
A Birthday and Fourth Place
Mr. Potato O'Head bids you all adieu. He came in Fourth Place over at Mason Dixon Knitting. We were hoping for a better spot, but he was in stiff competition with all those women. A guy just can't compete with two monkies, a rat, and a frog. Geez, how does a potato stand a chance? He's just lucky he didn't get eaten alive! If you voted for Mr. O'Head, thank you from the bottom of his heart. If you didn't, well, you should have! Yes, I am a little biased! I know his designer personally, having given birth to her.
See ya later, tater!