Of course when you have left over cake batter, you can't waste it! So, the minions were made. The cake is normally a big hit. The only problem we've ever had with it is nobody wants to cut into it! RL said he had to take the plunge at work or it would have sat there all day in one piece!
Tomorrow is RLs last day at work for the holidays! Can't wait to have him around here for a couple of weeks!
Christmas crafting is stepping up a little more. Hopefully it will be finished in time. I don't know if I'm trying to convince all of you or just me! The kids have terrible colds, so that is forcing us to stay home and I'm able to do a few things as a result. I just hope they will be better soon. It's no fun for them to be sick when they want to be busy with holiday activities!
We have a prayer request. RLs Dad has been battling lung cancer all year. He started having problems breathing and the doctors thought it must be scar tissue from the radiation treatments. Turns out it was the cancer again. Either it never went away or it has come back. They suggested he start chemo treatments again and he would possibly have 6 to 9 months. If he didn't get treatments, he would only have 3 to 6 months. Our prayers were answered when he agreed to the treatments. Our prayer now is that the treatments will work this time. Maybe we are being selfish, but we just aren't ready to let him go just yet! Thank you for your prayers.